Breaking News! Shakti Arora & Neha Saxena postponed their Marriage due to Demonetisation : This is the wedding period of the year. Television performers Dheeraj Dhoopar and Vinny Arora, Karan Sharma and Tiara Kar got hitched for the current month. Another TV couple which was to stroll down the path was ‘Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi’ on-screen character Shakti Arora and TV performing artist Neha Saxena.
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Be that as it may, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s choice of demonetization didn’t run well with them. Shakti and Neha needed to put off their wedding which was to occur on 15th November.
Shakti announced “I had pulled back money to pay to the wedding coordinators, food providers and other staff as I needed to give them a progress. Be that as it may, they are declining to take the old money now. It will require me a long investment to trade the old notes with the new ones. I have no clue when we will get hitched now. It’s certainly not happening this year.”
Noteworthy Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in lieu of a superior future for the nation, declared toward the begin of this current month that Rs.500 and Rs.1000 notes will be pulled back from the economy. This sudden declaration made ruin is everybody’s lives.
Furthermore, what after that, everybody was discovered remaining outside a bank to trade these sections to run their family. To top it all, with November and December being the pinnacle season for weddings, things escaped hand for individuals considerably more.
Performer Karan Sharma, who as of late marry his long-term sweetheart Tiaara Kar a couple days back, needed to confront a considerable measure of issues as his dad had pulled back cash to be paid ahead of time to the wedding coordinators only a week prior to PM Modi’s demonetization move.
Shakti was cited as saying that he pulled back the important measure of money required to pay the food providers, staff and wedding coordinators’ progress, however now they are declining to acknowledge the old cash.