Episc Twist! JNDSD Jaana Na Dil Se Door 20th August 2016 Written Updates :- The show starts with Aarthav was taken into the police station. He told Inspector that Vividha is with Kailash as he kidnapped her. BBut Police didn’t believe him and locked him up. On the other side, Vivibhidha waked ups in Kailash’s car and again went fades when she came out of the petrol left from car moves towards her.
Jaana Na Dil Se Door 20th August 2016 Written Updates
Sujata called her husband and told everything about Aarthav. She also told him that Police has locked Aarthav in a fake case. But, her husband assured her that he will take care of everything and will also handle Aarthav’s fake case. Then, he calls Army officers.
Meanwhile, Aarthav was trying to explain Police force about the truth of the Kailash. But, they scolded him. And hold his neck, but Major Pratap Singh came there with a lawyer and asked Police to leave Aartahv.
Lawyer handed him the bail paper and Police leave Aartahv. Then, Paratap received a call and say ” you got the car, wait I am coming.” Aarthyav hears him and rushed with him. Sujata thinks, today Aarthav will face his father.
Pratap and Aarthav reached the spot where Kailash’s car was found. But, they did not found anyone there. Suddenly, Aarthav’s father came there and he was an Army Colonel. He saw his son and become emotional.
Meanwhile, they came to know that Vivhida is lying down at the edge of the mountain. Aarthav;s father asked his officers to brought the rope. But Aarthav went alone to save Vivhidha, he gave her hands but himself slips but his father holds his hands and said that son doesn’t worry I would not let anything happen to you. They, bring Vividha up and Aarthav asked Vivbhida to open her eyes.
He told her that she can not l;eave him and suddenly, Vivbhida opens her eyes and both Aarthav and Vivhidha went emotional. Meanwhile, Aarthav’s father was looking at his son and thought that this kind of love is only taught by Sujata.
In the upcoming episode, Aarthav stopped his father and both looked at each other.