Viplav is shocked! IKRS Ishq Ka Rang Safed 20th August 2016 Written Updates :- The last night episode of the TV series Ishq Ka Rang Safed starts with Parshiya is telling to Vidha that he wants to narrate her story. Vidha is curious asked him to narrates the story in which he said that there was asking somehow he got separated from his queen but till now the king did not find a queen whom he wants to be. The king is also having a daughter from the queen and her name is Gudiya.

Ishq Ka Rang Safed 20th August 2016 Written Updates
Since the king gets to know about his daughter now he everyday moves to Basti to meet with his daughter, Dhaani got teary eyes after hearing the story as it is actually Parshay narrates the story to Vidha which is belongs to his life.
Kamini fills the form at the psychiatrist clinic. Doctor asked her that she is having illusion because of her subconscious mind. He also asked Viplav to take care of her and prescribed her some medicine. Vida, on the other hand, asked to Parshay if he was so good then why people used to call him Rakshas and Parshay said as the evil queen presented his image like that.
But Gudiya loves the Rakshas a lot as the Rakshas was her dad. Parshay also added her love was like you for your Rakshah uncle. Vidha asked to Parshay then you are not my dad but Parshay said I am always your Baba and will be but your Papa is your Rakshas uncle.
Dhaani also gives the nod and Vidha sees Viplav is coming is she just run towards him and embraced her. Viplav said that I am your Papa and I make an arrangement to send your watch aunty in the jail.
Kamini thinks that why she sees the Ashram’s woman and her also think that after death nobody can come back to see that Viplav is in on his way to Basti alone. She also thinks that before the Ashram woman’s warning to come true that she will ruin my life I need to sort out the issue.
Somehow she arrives in the Basti and she senses that Viplav can be here although she is not sure. She is now near in the Dhanai’s house.
Precap: Kamini wonders where are Viplav and doubts that he can be with Dhaani. She comes to Basti. At Dhaani’s house, Viplav and Dhaani fall on the bed and they are about to go romantic.