#SSEL Suhani si ek Ladki 24th January 2017 Written Updates! Yuvaan gets Annoyed : Star Plus most amazing entertaining program, “Suhani Si Ek Ladki” looks like the more important interesting show, which gives the necessary voltage potential that gives to the Suhani Si Ek Ladki followers.
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Suhani Si Ek Ladki 24th January 2017 Written Updates
The fabulous TV series “Suhani Si Ek Ladki” constantly made to give goose bumps to the spectators with its never passing dilemma way and contributed the fundamental crux of the show is to showcase in the newest episodes that, Child says Suhani will bolster us. Yuvaan gets irritated with him. He leaves the ward and requests that Suhani converse with him. Suhani takes a gander at him.
Where In the latest episode, Suhani appeals to Lord and reviews Yuvaan’s adolescence. She says I ignored my child to take care of another child, perhaps I wasn’t right to unite Saiyyam and Yuvaan. The child sees her and thinks what will she arrange now.
Yuvaan gets cognizant and says I m feeling better at this point. Specialist asks what occurred with you. Yuvaan reviews and says I have to converse with my mom.
Yuvani asks Dadi for what reason did you ask Baby. Dadi says I didn’t discover her story genuine. Yuvani says Baby is his better half. Dadi says we must be watchful, Yuvaan is influenced by medications, Baby couldn’t answer me.
Yuvani says I will watch out for Baby. Dadi says I m happy. Nurture says quiet needs to meet his mom. Dadi says I will meet him first. Nurture says he requested his mom. Yuvani says I will call mom.
Suhani says I made my child understand that I needn’t bother with him, perhaps Yuvaan will get fine after Saiyyam escapes, I will escape now. Yuvani comes and says Yuvaan got cognizant, he is calling you. Suhani gets happy.
Infant thinks what will Yuvaan advise her, he will demolish my arrangement. Infant stops Suhani. Suhani says I m going to meet Yuvaan. Infant says no, I will meet him in the first place, sorry to learn, you made us leave, he was irate with you, in the event that he requests that you pick amongst him and Saiyyam, you will pick Saiyyam, he will feel terrible.
First make Saiyyam away and afterward come to Yuvaan. Yuvaan supposes I did huge misstep. The child comes to him. Bhavna asks are you distraught, battles happen, it doesn’t mean we don’t meet youngsters.
Suhani says Yuvaan did not ask assistance from us, I constrained him to loathe us, he is harming himself. Bhavna asks by what method will you deal with this. Suhani says I will converse with Yuvraaj and abandon him. Bhavna gets stunned.