Epic Episode! Zindagi Ki Mehek 4th February 2017 Today Written Updates :- Zee TV most wonderful entertaining show, “Mehek” looks like the more equitable interesting program, which gives the required voltage potential that gives to the Mehek supporters.
Mehek 4th February 2017 Written Update
The popular TV series “Mehek” frequently made to give goose bumps to the spectators with its never reaching dilemma way and introduced the important crux of the presentation is to showcase in the newest episodes that, Shaureya says to mahek you are utilizing my mother to assume control over this house. Presently you have achieved my room. Presently observe I send your stuff where it should be. He blazes her gear.
Where In the latest episode, Mahek says to the children would you say you are all eating admirably? they say thank you didi. Shauerya says on the off chance that I might I be able to would show you out with these children. Mahek says my significant other disclosed to me he feel so great about having this minute in his life.
This thought was his, he took care of arrangements and I brought the children here. We are spouse wife so we need to work things together. The columnist says your significant other compliments you. Shaureya says you are correct we compliment and adore each other. That is the reason we concoct these novel thoughts.
Shaureya says in heart mahek not reasonable. Mahek says to the children go and thank uncle. They all encompass him and say thank you much obliged. Shaureya sits now and embraces them all. Mahek says uncle will get all of you dropped in his huge auto today.
Shaureya is distraught. He says she needed to demolish my dispatch. You need to pay for what you have done. a server breaks the glass. Shaureya yells wouldn’t you be able to see. It is more costly than your pay. Clean it. Culinary specialist says sir finish this menu. He says what do I pay you for?
Shaureya gets a call. He says miss Michelle your financial specialist will go to your eatery tomorrow. shaureya says that is extraordinary. He says I think your treat area is powerless. Add more to it. There was a jack sustenance custard in your formulas.
I think it will be wonderful in the event that you include it. He says that is incredible yet we haven’t chipped away at their dressings yet. The speculator says that is your better half’s formula. Get her offer assistance. Shaureya says no we won’t require that. My culinary expert will set it up. We will welcome you and Miss Michelle with that sweet tomorrow.
The gourmet expert says we can’t make that dish. You got this expelled from the menu. He says there is nothing that no one but mahek can do. This is my eatery and you will do what I ask you to.