Maha Episode! Naagin Season 2 Episode 12th March 2017 Today Written Updates :- The horror TV series Naagin 2 last night episode started with when Rocky takes Shivangi to the Panchner haveli. Rocky sees a snake is following their car. Rocky think he is Rudra following Shivangi but Shiavngi realised that she is Shesha.
Rocky think to distract the snake considering him as Rudra but the snake was Shesha and she hides behind the tree. Rocky now sees Rudra and he went towards the temple where Shesha follows him and Shivangi also in that time turn into the snake.
Sesha follows the sound of the snake but Shiavngi reached the Mandir and she feels that it would be fine if Rocky will be okay as she is worried for only Rocky. Now Rocky and Shivangi are on their way to the Pancher haveli.
Later, Sesha realises that Rocky and Shivangi must have gone to Panchner Haveli to get Naagmani. Rocky arrives at the Panchner haveli and then Sheshnag mandir with Shivangi. Shivangi, then thinks to herself that Rocky has come very near to her reality. Rocky asked Shivangi to touch the Naagmani and since she is Suryavanshi, only she can touch it. Rocky tries to pick and get stunned for a while.
After seeing this Shivangi gets worried and she tries to pick Naagmani. Rocky says to Shivangi now that he read the Naagmani book and get to know that Suryavanshi people are able to lift the Naag Mani. Now Shesha thinks how she can return the Naag Mani but Rocky take his car to leave the Panchver Haveli.
Now at the garden of the Mandir Rocky bumps with a snake and panic to see that, he also tries to protect Shiavngi from the snake. Sesha lifts the car in the air and Shivangi shows her power of Naagmani which stop Sesha as well as she gets hurt. Now Shesha is unable to do the Puja but at home, Rocky asked her to join the Puja.
Now Yamini calls Rocky and tells him that Shesha is having monthly ladies’ problem so she cannot sit in Pooja. Rocky asks Sesha to leave Pooja.
And in her room Shesha turn into the snake. Saperas continue playing their instrument and Shivangi gets uneasy which gradually noticed by Rocky and Rocky turn shocked.