Mega Twist! Ek Aastha Aisi Bhi 11th April 2017 Episode Written Updates :- Star Plus most refreshing entertaining program, “Ek Aastha Aisi Bhi” looks like an excellent interesting show, which gives the enormous voltage potential that gives to the Ek Aastha Aisi Bhi followers.
Ek Aastha Aisi Bhi 11th April 2017 Written Update
The popular TV series “Ek Aastha Aisi Bhi” continually made to give goose bumps to the observers with its never finishing dilemma way and revealed the essential crux of the presentation is to showcase in the newest episodes that, Aastha thinks to win the race to satisfy her fantasies and get the prize cash. Master Maa discloses to her enthusiasts that she needs numerous sanctuaries to be assemble and gives a symbol to them. The men burrows the land and tells that when the champ will come here and discover the symbol, new sanctuary will be work here. Aastha hears them.
Where In the latest episode, Shiv supposes he can’t wed Aastha and how to make her deny for marriage. He reviews Aastha preventing him from going to phantoms cottage what’s more, thinks to make her deny for the marriage. Shiv thumps on the entryway and praises on her shoulder.
Aastha gets frightened and is going to sit on bed. Shiv stops her and says somebody is staying there, and begins talking as though phantom is there. Aastha requests that he stop it. Shiv says I will give you water and spills water deliberately.
Aastha requests that he go and says I won’t get caught in your moronic tricks. Shiv says affirm, I will go and requests that her not close light. Aastha says I am not a child. Shiv provokes her to remain in phantom home for 5 mins and afterward he will concur that she is not terrified of anybody.
Aastha reveals to her companions that Shiv tested her. Chotu tells that everybody fears that phantom house. Young lady tells that today is amavasya. Aastha says we as a whole will go. All children are terrified, yet underpins Aastha. Shiv supposes she is more terrified than children and might suspect his arrangement will be effective.
In the night, Aastha comes to apparition house with children. Every one of the children flee being apprehensive. Aastha gets terrified, yet supposes she will demonstrate Shiv that she is not frightened of apparition. She goes inside the apparition cabin and yells as pigeons fly on her head.
She supposes I need to make my dread lose. Shiv discloses to Balwan that he will meet Aastha as a lush in that apparitions house and afterward she will deny for marriage and I will move toward becoming lowlife for her. Aastha is terrified. Balwan says she is pure and adorable, and inquires as to why he is doing this.
Shiv says he will turn out to be huge villian and meet Aastha in that phantom house. Aastha sees goons sneaking medications and says it is goons’ place. Goon hears Aastha and asks who is there? Aastha tries to run out and conceals seeing goons tailing him. Goon sees Aastha.
Aastha runs, yet is gotten by the goon. Goon holds her neck and asks what did you see. Aastha requests that he abandon her and breaks bottle on his head. Shiv enters there. Aastha is still in the apparition house and hurries to spare herself.
Shiv supposes I am lush and Aastha won’t wed me now. Aastha hurries to him and embraces him being frightened. Piya Plays… … Shiv thinks everybody is exploded backward. Goons come there.
Aastha reveals to him that goons are carrying drugs here and requests that Shiv get them captured. Shiv inquires as to why you are upsetting a young lady and requests that they go and dozes. Goon chuckles and says you will rest here.
Shiv kisses his memento and begins battling with the goons and beat them. Namo Shivaye plays… … He beats every one of the goons and requests that Aastha come. Aastha couldn’t stroll because of her harmed foot. Shiv takes her in his arms and takes her home. Aastha is moved by his motion and gazes him.
Balwan and Radhika are holding up outside the phantom house and are amazed to see Shiv conveying Aastha. Shiv drops Aastha and goes.
In the house, Balwan snickers seeing Shiv’s arrangement flopping severely and says you are loving her, yet demonstrations to hate heer. Sharda gauzes Aastha’s foot and acclaims Shiv. She requests that her rest. Aastha says she need to participate in the opposition.
Radhika discloses to her that Shiv sent her, yet spared her too. Aastha says I thought him off-base. Shiv says circumstance made me spared her. Balwan says Shiv and Aastha and says your jodi is made with her. Aastha says he is not that terrible. Shiv beats Balwan with the pads.