Kasam 20th April 2017 Today Episode Written Updates! Everyone gets shocked :- Colors TV most remarkable entertaining program, “Kasam” looks like a beautiful interesting show, which gives the enormous voltage potential that gives to the Kasam followers.
Kasam 20th April 2017 Written Update
The fabulous TV series “Kasam” constantly made to give goose bumps to the observers with its never finishing dilemma way and revealed the essential crux of the presentation is to showcase in the latest episodes that, Everybody was stunned to hear as Rano reports Naitra as her decision for Rishi.
Where In the latest episode, Naitra and Tanuja contend each other. Tanuja advises Naitra to wed somebody. Rishi and Manpreet come there, Tanuja calls Naitra as dumb, the nitwit who is imagining to wed an officially wedded man. Naitra leaves indignantly. Manpreet and Rishi chuckle this was a simple diversion, anybody can win.
bee ji comes gloating about her diversion in adolescence. Tanuja challenges Manpreet to play young lady kid now. Manpreet declares a test amongst Rishi and Tanuja. He approaches Bee ji. Rishi challenges Tanuja she would admit her affection in the event that she loses. Tanuja says she will see. bee ji declares among the general population about the diversion amongst Rishi and Tanuja. Rishi holds Tanuja’s hand and takes her in the center.
In the lobby, Naitra comes crying. Rano stops her in the way and reproves her for destroying her effortlessness. Naitra discloses to Rano that Rishi
could never wed her, she is going out at this point. Rano stops her idiom she can’t take off. Naitra enlightens Rano concerning how Tanuja offended her and says its their top mystery the amount she and Rishi adore each other. Rano says today Tanuja offended her not Naitra. She would now exact retribution her completely and would do Naitra and Rishi’s Roka. Naitra was stunned to listen. Rano advises her to go and prepare.
Rishi and Tanuja go up against each other. Rishi supposes she would break her resolution. Rishi gloats about his body as though in wrestling and rubs his arms. Tanuja inquires as to whether its wrestling? Tanuja says its fiendishness. He advances his powdered hands which Tanuja takes. Rishi winks towards Manpreet, Nakul cheers him. They start to whirl. Tanuja loses herself and fell over as a result of speed.
Rishi comes to spare her and fell over her rather, both share an eye secure hand with each other. Manpreet hoots that Rishi has won. Rishi affirms Tanuja on the off chance that she is fine, Tanuja says I adore you to him quietly, out of stun. Rishi was in dismay. bee ji takes Manpreet to hold Rishi and Tanuja. Rishi removes Tanuja’s hand and keeps running from the corridor.
There in the room, Naitra prepares thinking Rishi would at long last and formally be hers. She was vexed thinking about what whether Rishi denies wedding her.
Rishi goes to the rooftop with Tanuja who was gasping. Rishi says he couldn’t hear well what she said the first floor, he needs her to state it once more. Tanuja says ‘Thankyou’. Rishi says he would remind her, Tanuja denies saying ‘I cherish you’. Rishi says since she lost she should now admit.
Tanuja says had she cherished him, she more likely than not said. Rishi holds her hands saying he does and requests for a kiss. Tanuja pulls back her hands and flee. She watches Rishi from a side, grinning as he stood their abruptly. She says I adore you to him from a separation and flees.