Major Twist! Chandra Nandini 16th May 2017 Today Episode Written Updates ;- Star Plus most enjoyable entertaining program, “Chandra Nandini” looks like a wonderful interesting show, which gives the enormous voltage potential that gives to the Chandra Nandini followers.
Chandra Nandini 16th May 2017 Written Update
The traditional TV series “Chandra Nandini” to made to give goose bumps to the observers with its never finishing dilemma way and revealed the essential crux of the presentation is to showcase in the latest episodes that, gautami tells nandini the one in mahal is not vishakha, genuine vishakha is with your pitahmaharaj, he has kidnapped her.
Where In the latest episode, Amartya and padmanad talk about vishakha tangle succeed yet about Chanakya and malayketu they have manipulated us some time recently, Chanakya comes to see them and says I have orchestrated couple of armed force and they might want to know who is driving them thus I need you to meet them, padmanaf says how would I put stock in you, Chanakya says we are adversaries and you have full ideal to question on me, i simply arrange however you have to assault , I can excuse you yet nit chandra and you have to kill chandra for me, Amartya says we ought to trust chandra, Chanakya says now gautami will have time.
Vishakha says bindusaar is chandras shortcoming and I will make utilization of it and gets wind, abandons it close bindusaar, chandra and mantri hear Vishakha yell there are snakes bear bindusar, nandini surges hearing this, vishakha lifts bindusaar and the snakes approach her yet chandra pushes them away with sword, nandini holds bindusaar and embraces him, vishakha embraces chandra and says I was so frightened I don’t know where they originated from, chandra says Thanku for helping bindusaar,vishakha says I needed to do it after all we have a connection now.
Chandra says nandini cant you see bindusaar is crying get him quieted, vishakha please take bindusaar. Gautami says princess vishakha padm and has left now begin our demonstration, gautami goes about as blacked out and vishakha says somebody help her, watchmen and dasi stroll in, gautami gets up and says feeling better now I require rest vishakha please put cover over me its frosty, vishakha sats nobody exasperates her she needs rest all leave and gautami remove pads and covers over it and departures leaving infant to vishakha.
Chandra says nandini even today vishakha helped us and the fact of the matter is never tune in to heart yet brains thus stop this garbage, even she was in peril yet helped my child, nandini says approve now I might talk just when I have proofs.chanadra says nandini I had mixed up you as a minding Intelligent spouse however wasn’t right and now I have discovered one and you know it as are quite recently envious and vishakha who takes you as ger companion doesn’t realize what actions are you taking to her as she doesn’t recognize what plots you continue arranging and harming individuals yet not currently I wont let you hurt anybody and leaves, nandini says how effortlessly you point the finger at me for everything and is in tears.
Vishakha with snakes says you are my life yet nandini is an obstacle for me and now its enough and I ought to get to conclusion and execute chandra today around evening time and the trust he has will be utilized now and I will harm him and will utilize my magnificence to draw in him and devours harm.