#KTPK Kasam 19th July 2017 Today Episode Written Updates! Tanu looks on tensed :- COLORS TV most successful positive program, “Kasam” looks like a truly excellent show, which acts the main voltage potential that forces to the Kasam supporters.
Kasam 19th July 2017 Written Update
The latest episode started with, Samar goes to his office, he has the document which has Rishi’s note it, he places it in his office and clears out. Rishi and Tanu go to his office, they stealthily glance around for the document. Rishi discovers it and says I discovered it, gives up. They hear Samar coming in the office. They cover up in the washroom with the document before he can see them. Samar gets customer his office for the meeting. Tanu takes the record from Rishi, Rishi says its same document in which I requesting that you meet me.
Tanu says I wouldn’t come to meet you, Rishi says yet I need to converse with you, Tanu says then do it, Rishi says who talks in the washroom? Tanu says we dont have an alternative. Samar begins meeting in office and glances around for record, he doesn’t discover it. Customer says I dont have time for another meeting, in the event that we dont complete the process of meeting today then I won’t be accessible.
Customer goes to washroom and tries to open entryway yet its not opening as Rishi have bolted it, Samar tries to open it, however, its bolted. Samar says I will call somebody. Inside Tanu says this is all occurrence as a result of you, Rishi says I didnt know we would stall out.
Tanu says this is Abhi’s office so why am I covering up? on the off chance that somebody sees me then it won’t is an issue however in the event that somebody sees you then it will be an issue, you have brought me here for dont recognize what, Rishi says fine, you remain here in your AK’s washroom I am clearing out. Rishi swings to leave however says stop. Samar calls staff part, part tries to break the entryway. Rishi holds entryway from inside and doesn’t let staff part open it as he breaks the bolt and tries to hit the entryway.
Rishi continues constraining from inside. Part says to Samar that bolt is open now however entryway is not opening. Inside Tanu says to Rishi that on the off chance that somebody sees me with you here then you know what amount enormous issue that would be? dont comprehend what everybody will think. Outside part says to Samar that its not opening. Samar begins pushing it as well, Rishi keeps his weight on entryway so they won’t have the capacity to open it. Rishi’s hand is tormenting yet he keeps his weight on the entryway. Samar says we would require proficient craftsman.
Customer goes to another washroom, Samar says we wouldn’t require record, lets begin meeting. Inside washroom, Rishi have moan have helped as they leave entryway. Tanu holds his wrapped hand, Rishi asks what was the deal? Tanu conveys him to the bowl and removes his swathe. She sees his profound injury, she wipes it with tissue, he flinches in torment, Tanu feels his torment and worriedly takes a gander at him, he grins seeing her stress for him. She blows at his injury and cleans it painstakingly.
Rishi tenderly tucks Tanu’s hair bolt behind her ear, she takes a gander at him in tears as reviews how he used to tuck them earlier and how she would energetically push his hand away. She does his swathe utilizing emergency treatment box. Rishi sees anklet in her foot and perceives as the one he gave her, he smiles, she shrouds it and says um.. it was with me and I wore it, I didnt need to however.. dont recognize what I am stating, she is baffled and turns away.
Rishi grins at her. Rishi goes to her, he is in tears and wipes her tears away, he turns away and Tanu grins through her tears, both noiselessly sob, teri khushboo plays. Rishi puts hand on her shoulder in help, they wipe their tears away and looks at each other. Samar completes introduction, customers take off. Samar leaves as well. Tanu says gives up. Rishi wipes his tears and takes off. They begin leaving office peacefully, laal ishq plays.
Rishi and Tanu are in auto, Rishi is driving. Tanu reviews Rishi wiping without end her tears. Rishi stops auto. Tanu is in thought. Rishi says Tanuja? your house is here. Tanu looks at him, he turns away. Tanu begins taking off. Rishi grasps his knuckles on controlling wheel. Tanu takes a gander at him one final time and clears out. Rishi is tragic.