Chandra Nandni 26th July 2017 Episode Written Updates! Pandugan points at Malayketu :- STAR PLUS most exciting interesting production, “Chandra Nandni” looks like an excellent enjoyable program, which gives the raised voltage potential that extends to the Chandra Nandni supporters.
Chandra Nandni 26th July 2017 Written Update
The traditional TV series “Chandra Nandni” to wanted to give goose bumps to the onlookers with its never closing dilemma way and showed the major crux of the program is to showcase in the latest episodes that, Apma says to Helina,Chandra pick Nandini before Chanakya now, lets see who he picks amongst mora and Nandini. Nandini asks pandugan bhaiya have you seen the people confront who assaulted you,pandugan says yes,Chandra asks who tell,I might rebuff him,pandugan focuses at Malayketu.
The latest episode started with,
Apma educates Malayketu regarding the guarantee Chandra provided for spare pandugan and says now you simply utilize this data to make contrasts amongst Chanakya and Chandra,do as I say , Malayketu says soon your work will be finished,
Chandra whispers Nandini, Nandini inquires as to why are you whispering, Chandra says bindusara is Asleep right, Nandini says no he is with ma, Chandra says yet you can’t rest when he isn’t around, Nandini says it’s fine I will manage, Chandra says let me get him,Nandini says Chandra I said it’s ok,Chandra says did mama something,Nandini says no let him remain with her,she is his grandma and necessities her adoration as well.
Pandugan thinks now I have no weapon hidden, in toys in view of Chanakya now this last toy has a pointer and I will utilize it, and says look my steed won.
Chandra recalls Chanakya requesting that he review pandugan and asks pandugan would you be able to portray the story again I enjoyed it a lot,give me my toy now,Chandra says first story,pandugan says Acharya Chanakya revealed to me story now give me toy, Chandra says just when you describe me the story,pandugan portrays the story and says so assailant when to acharyas room and stole medicines.chandra says did Acharya disclose to you this as well,pandugan thinks so this is the trap I need to some way or another dispose of it.
Pandugan says no I saw it some man stole that medication from acharyas room, I don’t need that toy and runs away,Nandini says Chandra why Did you,let me go give him this toy, Chandra says pandugan saw it he isn’t involved, Acharya was suspicious on the grounds that he is concerned.
Nandini says bhaiya look your toy and come let me describe you the story,pandugan says tomorrow now i will play, Nandini says affirm however think about time, a man when Nandini leaves assaults pandugan, its Malayketu,pandugan sees him, dasi doesn’t see Malayketu yet observes pandugan being assaulted and races to Chandra and Nandini and advises them.
Chandra says acharya it’s identity who is constantly for our family even with this measure of security he can set out do this,Chanakya takes a gander at Malayketu says yes this is definitely somebody from mahal or somebody who goes about as our own particular yet helping adversary.
Mora says who it must be and who might advantage pandugans death, Chanakya says I think the same and Chandra we have to orchestrate a Sabha rapidly.
Chandra supposes I will find that man who is behind my family,Nandini Walks in tears,Chandra asks how he is,Nandini says he is on painkillers thus asleep,Nandini says bhaiya was most loved among all us kin, I generally tied him rakhi first yet now I can’t enable him to dispose of his pain,Chandra embraces Nandini,Chandra says I will dependably be with you,your companion will dependably be with you,Nandini says I need something from maharaj.
Chandra says you are ruler tell me,Nandini says send him away I can’t see him in pain,Chandra says Nandini again,I promised,Nandini says I concur however it’s a sisters ask for please send him away I can remain without him yet not see him in pain,Chandra says I’m sad I can’t do this,but I can accomplish something that will mitigate you.